Strategic Counsel

When you're not sure what you need

Strategic counsel

I am not a skilled operator of every tool in the communications and marketing toolkit, but I am very good at figuring out which are the best tools to apply to a particular situation. With a strong network of large and small service providers in Alberta and beyond, I can help you to analyze the problem or opportunity your organization is facing, and to develop a plan of action.

Depending on the situation, I can implement the plan independently, or help you to hire such specialty services as market research, design or digital communications. By working with me on the problem analysis and planning phase of a project, you will save what can be very significant up-front costs of starting with a larger agency.

Government relations

With a master’s degree in political science, considerable government relations experience in the corporate world and a career that started on Parliament Hill, I can help organizations plan approaches to achieve desired outcomes with government. I have an avid interest in politics and public affairs. That said, I am not a lobbyist, nor am I well connected with any federal or provincial political party currently. I will be pleased to recommend specialist GR firms when I don't have the required level of expertise or relationships.

Digital communications

The only website I have ever built myself is the one you are reading. Far from a “digital native,” I am a grumpy and rather cynical user of social media. Stretch Communication is therefore not the right firm to build your new Facebook advertising campaign. If, however, you are seeking a clear-eyed view on whether your organization needs to invest in a more robust online presence, I can help. I can also refer you to one of Calgary’s many superb digital communications practitioners.